Code Maroon Delivery Statistics
No technology is 100 percent effective, so Code Maroon uses multiple notification
channels in a best effort to notify Texas A&M of an emergency.
Most Recent Survey Results
*Represents the elapsed time between when the alert was published and the last text
message was delivered to the cell phone carriers (AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, etc.).
The majority of text messages reached cell phone carriers in less time. The time
it takes a person to actually receive the text message is dependent upon how quickly
individual cell phone carriers deliver the message to their customers.
**Code Maroon emails will automatically be sent to all Texas A&M Gmail
accounts ending with and Texas A&M Exchange email addresses. By limiting email
alerts to official Texas A&M Email addresses, the messages can be sent more
***Represents the university's delivery time to Twitter. Total delivery time is
dependent upon how quickly Twitter delivers the message to their followers. Note:
Twitter's delivery of messages to followers is not controlled by the university.