RELLIS Alert — SMS Text Alerts
Sign Up to Receive Text Alerts
You can begin receiving RELLIS Alert text messages on your mobile phone by creating a Guest Account and registering your mobile phone number on the emergency notification system vendor’s web portal. You will use a personal email address and password as login credentials to the account. See Create Your Guest Account to sign up.
Change the Phone Number Receiving Text Alerts
You can change the phone number that currently receives RELLIS Alert messages by logging into your Guest Account and editing your profile settings. See Update Your Phone Number for instructions.
Disable or Enable Receiving Text Alerts
You can disable and enable receiving the RELLIS Alert text messages on your phone by logging into your Guest Account and editing your profile settings. See Disable/Enable Text Alerts for instructions.
Permanently Stop Receiving Text Alerts
You can stop receiving RELLIS Alert text messages permanently by having your Guest Account deleted. To delete your Guest Account send an email to Include the following information:
- A statement similar to: "Please remove my Guest Account from RELLIS Alert."
- The Guest Account ID (email address) used to create the account.
- The mobile phone number that is receiving the text alerts.